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How to learn Chinese words effectively?

1. Don’t learn just ONE word, learn the WHOLE sentence.
Have you noticed that sometimes when you learn just a single word, you can recognize it and even say the meaning, but you have no clue how to use it? To avoid this situation, you should watch in which context and how you can use this word. Yes, it will take more time, but trust me, the result will be not long in coming! There is one example.

You learn words 厚 hòu – thick, generous

So then can you say 厚孩子 hòu hái zi or 厚脖子 hòu bó zi?

If you don’t learn the context, you don’t know with what words this adjective can be matched. But when you see and learn the examples with this word, then you can easily answer on that question.

We cannot say 厚孩子 hòu hái zi or 厚脖子 hòu bó zi, because with people we use the adjective 胖 pàng and for thick things in diameter 粗 cū ,胖孩子 pàng hái zi and 粗脖子cū bó zi.

We can say:
厚书 hòu shū – a thick book
厚木板 hòu mù bǎn – a thick plank
厚礼hòu lǐ – generous gift  
厚薪 hòu xīn – high pay

Moreover, there are more meanings: rich or strong in flavour; deep, warm (about feelings)

酒味很厚 jiǔ wèi hěn hòu – the wine tastes strong 
交情很厚 jiāo qíng hěn hòu– friendship is really close
厚待 hòu dài – nicely treat

2. To remember new word, just use it.
Sounds easy? – It is!
The hardest part is to not forget about using one new word per day.

Set a goal – every day to learn one new word. You can choose a word in the morning or in the evening before this day, look how to use it, find some examples and context. You can also prepare some phrase which you can use during the day in advance. Then just go out and use it! Use it at least 3 times, then you will definitely remember them. You also can try to use the same phrase with different people. The most important is just to use it as much as you can.

For example, you’ve chosen the word“带”dài .

kuài yào xià yǔ le ,nǐ dài le yǔ sǎn méi yǒu ?
– It is going to be rainy soon, did you bring an umbrella?

wǒ wàng jì dài lái yī zhī bǐ ,kě bú kě yǐ jiè gěi wǒ ?
– I forgot to take a pen, can you borrow it to me, please?

wǒ jīn tiān wàng jì le dài wǒ de qián bāo ,zhēn dǎo méi. 
– I forgot to bring my wallet today, so unlucky.

Remember, the more you use it the better for you.

3. Learn vocabulary from one specific topic.
For example, you chose the topic of cooking. Then write out and learn all the nouns, verbs, adjectives, phrases, which are connected with the cooking topic. After this, open any video, TV drama or cartoon about cooking, just listen to it and try to catch the words you’ve just learnt. Be sure, hearing a new just learnt word, will make you remember it for a long time.

Practise makes perfect.

4. Use surrounding things for studying.
How many times per day do you look in the mirror? Now image that you stuck a sticker with the name of «mirror» in Chinese ( 镜子 - jìng zi). Then you will see this word so often that there is no way not to remember it. And again it is better to write a simple sentence instead of just a single word.

Moreover, If you knew how to say this word in Chinese, you can use a verb or adjective with this word which you don’t know. For example, do you know how to say look in the mirror?

– 照镜子 zhào jìng zi.
Now you can clue it to your mirror.


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