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在不同的文化中,人们对待每种动物的态度不同,动物词便具有了不同的象征意义和联想意义。 1,龙 在中国文化中,龙是最尊贵的动物,是中华民族的象征。 龙在古代曾经曾经代表皇权、威严和神力,在现代则象征着吉祥、财富和成功。汉语里凡是于龙有关的词语大多是褒义词:龙凤呈祥、望子成龙、乘龙快婿、龙马精神、龙腾虎跃,等等。所以中国人很喜欢龙,自称为“龙的传人”。 在龙年出生的孩子特别多,中国的男性也喜欢用”龙“字取名,人们熟知的电影明星如李小龙、成龙就是以“龙为名的。 但是在西方文化中,龙的对应词“dragon”确实一个贬义词。西方古典文学中“dragon”的形象是一种口中喷火的庞然大物,象征邪恶、霸气和侵略。 正因为“龙”和“dragon”有着不同的象征意义,2006年新浪网还报道了一场有关龙的形象和名称的讨论。有的学者建议在翻译“龙”这个词的时候,使用音译的“loong”来代替“dragon”。 这场关于龙的讨论从一个侧面说明龙的象征意义在中西方文化中差别很大,而且这种差别可能会引起跨文化交际中的误解。 2,狗 ”狗“是另一个容易引起跨文化误解的动物词。 在中国传统文化中,狗往往具有比较负面的形象和联想意义。“狗仗人势”“狼心狗肺”“走狗”“癞皮狗”“丧家犬”等与狗相关的词语都是贬义词,这在一定程度上反应了中国人传统上对狗的态度。 在汉语中,如果用狗来形容人就是一种侮辱。说一个人像一条狗,可能按时他巴结上司、具有奴性,可见汉语中用狗来形容人的时候,贬义色彩非常明显。 但狗在英语中一般有正面的意义,有关狗的表达“love me, love my dog" "work like a dog" "you lucky dog"中狗的含义都是褒义的。西方人介绍自己的家庭时,往往把狗也算作一个家庭成员。“you lucky dog"意思是”你这个幸运的家伙“,其语气是羡慕和亲密的。 3,猫头鹰 猫头鹰在中国古代是不吉祥的动物,它的叫声使人产生不祥的预感,往往与不幸或死亡相联系,汉语中有“夜猫子进宅,好事不来“的俗语。 而在希腊文化中,猫头鹰却代表了智慧。 4,蝙蝠 蝙蝠在中国文化中是吉祥的,因为”蝠“与”福“谐音,所以传统年画中常出现蝙蝠的形象,而在西方文化...

The most commonly-used Chinese Internet abbreviation

国际汉语教学education 1. 666 liùliùliù Sure, you know, 666 means that something or someone is really cool. It’s one of the way to express your admiration. But do you know why people use exact 6 for expressing “cool” meaning? The answer is simple, just because Chinese language has lots of homophone. 6 is pronounced like liù which is homophone to  流   liú  (meaning to let you slip from the troubles ) and  牛 niú ( wow, cool). There are some examples how you can use 666~ – I can speak 4 languages. – Wow,  666 , that’s awesome. – My boyfriend gifted me a brilliant necklace! –  666666 , happy for you ! – Our teacher went for a business trip, so we don’t have classes for whole next week. –  666,  you are so lucky. 2. 555 wǔwǔwǔ The pronunciation of  五(5)  wǔ is same as  呜 wū ( the sound of crying). It means that someone is crying very hard but in a humorous way. In fact, nothing really bad happened, k...

How to learn Chinese words effectively?

1. Don’t learn just ONE word, learn the WHOLE sentence. Have you noticed that sometimes when you learn just a single word, you can recognize it and even say the meaning, but you have no clue how to use it? To avoid this situation, you should watch in which context and how you can use this word. Yes, it will take more time, but trust me, the result will be not long in coming! There is one example. You learn words 厚 hòu – thick, generous So then can you say 厚孩子 hòu hái zi or 厚脖子 hòu bó zi? If you don’t learn the context, you don’t know with what words this adjective can be matched. But when you see and learn the examples with this word, then you can easily answer on that question. We cannot say 厚孩子 hòu hái zi or 厚脖子 hòu bó zi, because with people we use the adjective 胖 pàng and for thick things in diameter 粗 cū ,胖孩子 pàng hái zi and 粗脖子cū bó zi. We can say: 厚书   hòu shū  – a thick book 厚木板  hòu mù bǎn   – a thick plank 厚礼 hòu lǐ  –...